That Winston Feel - Special

There is something special about a Winston rod, and those who fish a Winston have a common response when others ask them what they think of their rod...they often say, "it has that Winston feel" that you will not find in other rods. Yeah, they say it like it's special, because that's what Winston owners think about their fly rods...special!

I've never seen anyone with a Winston rod in the fly shop's parking lot, double hauling a fly line through the air, just to show others they can empty out the entire line from the reel. Nope. Typically, guys who fish a Winston are anglers who buy the rod because...well...they love fly fishing. And, Winstons are designed for fishing, not parking lot distance competitions. Yup, there are no fish swimming around in the dark asphalt of a parking lot.

Winston will be launching their new Pure 2 fly rod series any day now. I'm hoping it stays true to the Winston design principles that have been passed on through their generations of rod designers and on to the anglers who love to fish these fine rods. I've heard rumors they are not including boron into the build of the blank. If that is true, it will be interesting to see if the new tapers are a bit more progressive as a nod to the rod model's predecessor, the WT. Guess we'll have to wait and see...

POST NOTE: Since publishing this post, Winston has launched their new Pure 2 rod series. Everything is new with the Pure 2 rods: new lengths; new tapers; new reel seat spacer; and NO boron. Maybe, the most significant rod launch from Winston since their Boron IIt series. Time will tell if this rod series will be accepted and admired as much with the Winston fans as the IM6 and WT series of rods.


  1. Hi Mike , awesome post . Question, Winston has a new reel seat spacer on the Pure 2 ? No Elder ?

    1. Good morning! The 1st generation Pure had a maple reel seat and they changed to a box elder seat with the Pure 2. Thanks for the nice words, do appreciate it!


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