Shake Shake Shake
One of the costs of being a fly fisherman who enjoys fishing in out of way places is vehicle maintenance. I've rolled over a few thousand miles of washboard forestry roads and rocky mountain roads in my quest for trout in pretty places. Having a 4x4 to capably travel these roads give a sense of security, but they do require mechanical repairs from time to time as a result of the punishment these back country roads inflict.
I just recently got my truck back from having the blower motor replaced in it. It was making a loud racket and vibrated the dash when the air ventilation fan was on. The Ford dealer mechanic said it was falling apart. Yup, those washboard roads shook it apart. This is my third blower motor replacement in the last ten years. Two for the F150 and one for the Jeep. It adds up to a few dollars, sadly. The good news? The truck will be ready for new adventures this fishing season. And, I plan to get my money's worth!
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