Winston WT 7' 2wt

The Winston WT 7' 2wt rod model is an impressive, specialized fly rod for small streams. Designed for guys who hike into mountain forests to fish canyon Rio's for little wild trout. And, you know what? There are not as many of these small stream anglers as you might expect. Why? Well, it takes more effort to get to the fishy spots in the high country, and most fly fishers are after big trout in places close to the parking lots. You know, I'm happy about that...more solitary fishing for me in the high country.

The rod I'm often packing into these areas is my personal WT 7' 2wt rod that weighs in at 2 1/8oz with a Winston 6.5" cigar grip, shaped quite nicely for a little creek rod. The swing weight is light as a feather with power enough to handle any tight line moments in my mountain Rio's. Its reel seat is made of elder wood and includes nickel silver up-locking hardware which was the standard build for Winston's later factory WT rod builds. "A Beauty!" Yeah, I know, Winston now has a 7'3" 2wt rod on the market, but it's not exactly a 7' rod. You just don't see these 7' 2wt rods like my WT (from big rod companies) as we once did a few years ago...please know, I give kudos to Winston for at least offering one 2wt model in today's world. I'm just saying I've learned through many fishing adventures that my WT is perfect for me, so I'm staying with this rod.

There are three fly reels that get paired with this rod, depending on my mood and/or where I'm fishing. A Bauer SST3 reel spooled up with Winston Energy WF2F fly line along with an extra spool with an Energy WF3F fly has an adjustable disc drag for some streams where I want that capability; A Ross Colorado reel also spooled with an Energy WF3F line; And, a beautiful looking reel that gets locked into the rod often is the Trutta Perfetta fly reel, spooled up with LightLine WF3F fly has a classic design and makes for a very sweet pairing.

I've read several accounts from anglers who fish Winston rods, and are quite knowledgeable with Winston's history. They say (and I agree) this WT 7' 2wt rod has been one of the most desirable rods to own in this model. I agree with them because I haven't found any 2wt in a 7' length that can replace this one of mine. An amazing rod, indeed!

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