Good For The Goose...

Remember the old saying, "What's good for the goose, is good for the gander?" If you've spent any time in BLM and national parks you'll notice all the ranger's carry a defensive firearm on their belt. There's all kinds of potential threats in the wild and it makes sense to be prepared. However, many of those rangers don't actually want visitors to exercise their same right. They would rather visitors roam through the national parks without any protection. Oh, they will say bear spray is more effective than a firearm. And yet, they are standing there with a pistol on their belt professing you should use bear spray and not a firearm if attacked by a bear. Well, in my case, I say what's good for them is good for me. 

Last Friday I completed my 2-year concealed carry refresher course. To maintain my carry permit, it's required in New Mexico to complete a concealed carry course every two years. The refresher course covers any changes in the law and everyone attending must demonstrate competency with their firearm. Actually, it's a low bar of performance hitting a target at three yards and seven yards 25 times. Even so, I enjoy the class and spending some time at the shooting range. Yes...I did qualify for another two years. I always qualify with a .45 auto 1911 pistol and that allows me to legally conceal carry any semi-auto in .45 caliber and smaller. For fly fishing where bears or cougars are prevalent, I carry a compact Glock G29 which is a 10mm caliber.


  1. Congrats on the new permit. I like to practice with my ruger p345 .45acp.

    1. Thanks, Steve. That Ruger .45 packs quite the wallop!!!!


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