Filling The Boxes
The job of reorganizing trout flies and filling fly boxes to prepare for spring fishing is something I don't actually enjoy very much . But, it's winter, cold outside, and it's a job that's good for getting something accomplished when there is nothing better to do. What helps to motivate me to even start this, is to pull out some classic vintage tackle. I'm talking about the Wheatley fly boxes I have been using for several years now. Filling up those classic Wheatley fly boxes with select trout flies that matter most, to little wild trout in home waters, certainly helps me to get motivated.
Yup, I still take an old Wheatley fly box with me to the trout streams. I don't know, they just seem to work for me better than anything else. Especially the compartment models for dry flies. Put a 3" box in the shirt pocket and a 6" box in the sling pack and I'm ready for tight line fun up on Rainy Mountain.
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