Ross Colorado Reels

The Ross Colorado Reel is a great option for click/pawl fans who fish small to medium size streams like I do.  These are the latest generation of Colorado reels and have a new machined aesthetic that looks great on just about any fly rod. The click drag has been upgraded, and the sound is exciting when the take from a big trout shoots its way down stream. Like most contemporary reels, you can palm the rim of the spool for extra drag.

The reels are large arbor designed with the 2/3 model being 3.22" in diameter and the 3/4 model having a 3.57" diameter. The large arbor helps with a quick wind of line to get the trout on the drag as fast as anything out there on the market. The 2/3 model has a drag resistance set perfectly for my little mountain Rios, while the 3/4 model's drag is a touch light for my liking. The cutthroats in Colorado were screaming some line off that 3/4 reel and I was palming the rim more than I should have had to. Not a big criticism mind you, I just would like a touch more resistance is all. I didn't lose any trout, so I can't really complain about it.

These reels are only locked into my more contemporary rods and mostly fished with my Winston and Scott fly rods. The reels help to keep the kit very light for all day fishing in the mountains, where I love to drift a dry fly. I have both reels spooled up with Winston Energy fly lines in 3 and 4 weights.


Platinum      2/3         .850"         3.22"                 3.2 oz

                      3/4         .850"         3.57"                 3.5 oz

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