NM Fishing Vehicles

My fishing vehicles have carried me to trout streams through all corners of New Mexico, Colorado, Arizona, and Wyoming. The memories of these amazing places will be with me always. This week, one of those vehicles was traded in for a new 4x4 ride. No, this new car is not a fishing vehicle, but was needed since our other cars were, well, getting up there in age and milage. Yeah, kind of like Sylvia and me. So, this is goodbye to the little Jeep Patriot. It has been a great little car always getting us to the trout stream on mountain forest roads, or taking us back home through a blizzard.

When I moved here from New Orleans over twenty one years ago, I brought with me two cars, both BMWs. I quickly realized I needed a 4x4 truck for getting me into the backcountry. That first fishing vehicle took me through lots of adventures and was a blast to drive throughout the southwest. It was a full-size Ford Bronco with a 5.8L V8 that could four wheel anywhere I wanted to go. I loved that truck even though it drank gas faster than I could fill her up. Only when I wanted a car with good gas mileage did I trade her in for my Jeep Patriot. 

And then, one day while at work, I got a call from my wife. She said, "I bought a truck." Yup, that 2014 F150 filled my heart. That model year was the last steel body Ford made before going to aluminum. It quickly became my fishing vehicle and removed the void the Bronco created when I gave her up. The F150 is the best vehicle I have ever owned, and I have had some great cars in my time. We've been everywhere on trout streams throughout the Rocky Mountains in that truck. The camper shell has been worth every penny for overnight trips where camping by the stream is a must.

I have tried for years to get my wife to trade that old Patriot for a new car. She loved that car, especially when I upgraded her wheels and tires. We've had some great adventures in that little Jeep. Well, with 166K miles on the Patriot it began to have issues. Sylvia finally decided it was time to let the car go and buy a new one. Nope, the new car will never be a fishing vehicle even though it certainly could be with its 4x4 drive and all the bells and whistles. And yeah, it's another Jeep...the third Cherokee I've owned through the years. Most of my adult life I have had a Jeep and hopefully always will. Anyway, let the adventures continue...


  1. Must be the season, good luck with the new vehicle. I just had to buy a new to me vehicle.

    1. Thanks John...I've been bleeding money this year. We were hoping to get a few more years out of the little Jeep. And, I'm sitting here waiting for the store to call me about delivering a new fridge. One appliance after another has died since beginning of year...the prices of these essentials are crazy. If one more thing goes out, my wife will commit me to the mental facility.

  2. I love your new jeep. It's crazy how things need replacing in waves of breakdowns. We're in the same situation and are hoping we don't need anything else until next year. Our new dryer won't dry but it looks like we need to have the exhaust vent cleaned. It's always something that keeps me from going fishing.

  3. Thanks, Steve...it's nice to have a Jeep with the winter driving we have here. We originally were looking at the smaller models, but this one had an incentive that priced it lower than any model they sell. I don't understand? Yup, we are thinking like you two, anything else will have to wait until next year.

  4. Brand loyalty is the key to marketing success. When the Patriot came out, I thought that Jeep made a great decision making a vehicle that looked like the original Cherokees which had the great 6 cyl motor in it. There are tons of those old Cherokees around still running well after thousands of miles. The Patriot never caught on around here but people buy a lot of the 4 door Jeep wranglers. I guess my wife and I have brand loyalty to Honda as we have had 6 so far. But the ultimate brand loyalty in New England is for Subarus. We ski and in the parking lots, I swear nearly every vehicle is a Subie. I met with a Subaru dealer a couple
    of months ago when shopping and he told me they have no inventory, they sell as fast as they bring them in.

    1. Same here, I bought the Patriot because it looked like a Jeep. My wife loved that car and is having a bit of remorse of giving it up, I must say. Hondas are good cars, I've had two in my time. And, the Subarus are popular here too, especially with the senior crowd because it has all wheel drive. My neighbor and fishing buddy has one...very nice.


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