Partly Rain

This is a trip that has been on the schedule for a while. I had hesitations because of the recent days of rains and the forecast predicting even more rain for the destination area. However, I decided to go ahead and make the trip, hoping for the best. A friend of mine was meeting me there at the campsite and once I arrived we began setting up camp for a three day stay.

While no rain was falling that afternoon, the stream was certainly running full. I was told the release from the dam got bumped up a couple of days before our arrival. My experience, streams running full flow are not the best conditions for a dry fly guy. And this guy, will not deviate from his dry fly commitment. Although, I do admit it sure is a tempting test of that commitment when the trout are not looking up for a meal. Yup, I remember the days when I would change to a nymph rig or run a streamer to fool those trout who swam there. I didn't do it, and will not do it. And, I'm okay.

The next day was all about exploring a mountain creek I had been researching and planning to fish for the last four years. Why not sooner? Well, COVID hit us all and other things just got into the way to make the trip and see this stream. The drive was a bit longer than I expected due to rocky conditions and many switchbacks on the steep ascent...up to almost 11k in elevation. As a result, there were only a few hours to get into some fish because of the clouds building into a potential rain storm. And, I absolutely did not want to be up there if it became a severe storm. So, I feel like I didn't get all the fishing I was hoping for on this day. However, the beauty of this place and the amazing native trout that swim there will bring me back.

The rain started as we were descending the mountain, and it rained continuously through the rest of day, all night, and into the morning. Any guesses what is on my schedule tomorrow? Yup, the car wash. The truck will be happy to get all that mud and yuck off of its shiny, black, paint job. And, for those, I did not hit a bear. The 'Fly Fish New Mexico' front replacement plate is still riding proud.

Gear: Winston BIIIx 8'6" 5wt and BIII LS 8' 4wt fly rods; Bauer SST5 reel and Ross Colorado 4/5 reel; Winston Energy fly lines; #10 Parachute Hopper dry fly; Simms sling pack; Fisknat carbon landing net.

Some random photos below...enjoy the views.

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