Four Seasons

Most years, I'm able to fish this stream in all four seasons. Not always, but usually so. And, during winter, it's usually a day right in the beginning of the season or the end. Surprisingly, I was able to fish it in January this year, and that's a rare opportunity. Even more rare, the wild browns were hitting my dry fly which amazed me...just a great day it was!

That week in January confirmed a thought I had last year. It would be nice to publish a post with a photo of the river, taken from the same spot, during each of our four seasons up there on Rainy Mountain. For those who don't know, I only fish with dry flies during each season even when it isn't the most effective approach. Yes, I'm truly a dry fly only angler regardless of where I'm fishing and which date in the year I happen to be wading a trout stream. I do spend many days fishing this stream each year, and I'm pretty sure I'll never tire of its beauty.

How many trout have I brought into my net in this particular section of stream? A lot over the years. I have netted Rainbows, Browns, and Rio Grande Cutthroat in here. For sure, I loved each and every trout that gave me a tight line moment. And, there will be many more to come...but don't worry, they always get released back to where they came from.

Click on photo for larger view


  1. That's very cool mike.

    1. Thanks, Steve...I'm pretty sure which boulders hold a trout after all these years. But, there are enough surprises to keep this place interesting.


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