Gifted - Winston Catalogs

I received a note from a Winston rod fan in Utah who said he had a few duplicate Winston catalogs and would be happy to gift them to me if I was interested. Well yeah, I was interested, and the catalogs arrived a few days ago. Thanks much, Dan...very generous of you and I do appreciate it!

There will be some posts this year referring to Winston catalogs in the content, and these editions I received from Dan will be included. I've learned much about Winston's history, and their fly rod design intentions, by reading their annual catalogs through the years. And, I'm happy to share them on this blog since it's not common to have access to these product publications.

As I was reading through the catalogs that Dan gifted me, and assessing content in view of future posts, one particular page hit me with some WOW factor (below photo). Do you see what caused me to stop and drop my jaw? How cool is that?


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