
People who know me, know I need a solitary day of fly fishing every now and then. I like to explore the banks of a mountain stream and at this time of year, hear the sound of my steps over winter's fallen leaves. Often, I will find a discrete place to stand still, and observe the stream flowing by me, in hope of seeing a wild trout playing in the current. Funny how often I will spot a subtle ripple, or wave from a trout moving about...which happens if I'm just patient, stand still, and pay attention.

It's these lazy kind of days when I can find myself being in the moment and catching outdoor details using all my senses. I find the serenity of it all very healthy and fulfilling. Yes, there is much more to fly fishing than fishing. And, when I let go of all self imposed expectations and just be there, in nature, and aware of the surroundings...I find nature's serenity.

Gear: Winston IM6 7'6" 3wt fly rod (1993); Trutta Perfetta fly reel; Rio LightLine WF3F line; #14 Elk Hair Caddis; Simms sling pack; Brodin landing net.


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