The Winston Cigar...

The Winston cigar grip is what I'm referring to in the headline. The shape is somewhat unique to Winston and the one on the early IM6 Light Winston Trout rods is a sculpture of perfection. Yeah, the shape of the grip fits me perfectly and is the most comfortable of any type I fish on home waters.

I would love to know the story of how the Winston cigar grip came to be the standard handle on Winston rods. Who designed it? Was it Tom Morgan or one of his employees who created this shape? There has to be a story around their cigar grip somewhere, but I haven't seen it so far in any archives I've researched. If anyone knows the story, please share it with me.

Winston has made various sizes of that unique cigar shape in their fly rod builds. I have Winston rods where the cigar handle is in different lengths and diameters, and they all have that comfortable feel when holding the rod. My favorite length is the handle they used in the early 90s on their Light Trout Rods...a 6" length, somewhat slim, with a forward bulge that is distinctively Winston.

The 5.5" Winston Cigar Grip (on a 7' 3wt WT Fly Rod)

The 6" Winston Cigar Grip (on a 6'6" 2wt IM6 Fly Rod)

The 6.5" Winston Cigar Grip (on a TMF 8' 4wt WT Fly Rod)


  1. Mike, contact Bob at CFRC here in town. They (Los Pinos) used to supply grips to several manufacturers back in the 80s-90s. I don't think he made any for Winston but might have an idea on the source. -taoski

    1. Thanks, Daniel...I'll do that. Ben (Flatcreekrods) took my old blank to him and he was very helpful with identifying that old blank of mine before the build. I just found another one of those old pre-formed grips (NOS) that looks like an old Winston, and snapped it event a worthy blank comes along:)


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