Fly Fishing 2023 - A Look Back

The good news for fly fishing in 2023 was all my streams remained open though the year. A few streams had longer than normal runoff, but at least all of them were open for fishing...unlike last year. Yes, there were a lot of trout brought to the net and I relished every tight line moment. Most of my fishing was on home waters since I ventured out less this year than in years past. No complaints, though. Fishing on home waters is very nice, indeed.

My 'comrades with rods' were pretty much the same old gang as the year before. Neal, Rich, Steve and grandsons were there on many streams with me, and we had much fun. My only regret for the year is that my brother was not able to join me, and I really missed not getting to share a stream with him. My hopes are high that he and I will enjoy a special fishing adventure in 2024. I promised him I would take him on a fly fishing trip once he fully recovers from his surgery. Yeah, it will be a "bucket list" trip!

The most memorable fishing trip had nothing to do with how good the fishing was for me...which was very good by the way. No, it had everything to do with crashing my truck into a bear running across the road. That was a bit unsettling for sure. However, the truck got repaired and continued hauling me to more trout streams through the year. And on another camping trip, thanks to a blue and silver tent, being a POI for one night, cost me a night's sleep. Please know they had the wrong guy. Of course!

All in all, it was a very good year for me, family, and my fishing buddies. We had some fish camps, tight lines with trout, fun road trips, and many of the adventures were posted on the blog soon after. Below are some random photos (no particular order) for year 2023.

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