Mountain High Wild

The trout truck got back on the road today since Running Bear did a number on the front end a few weeks ago. Yep, the body shop did a great job and it looks as new. When the accident happened, I didn't have the nerve to go and retrieve the front plate from under the bear, so I lost a new fly fishing plate. No problem, I just installed my old 'Fly Fish New Mexico' plate on the front it's like old times again.

The truck brought some good luck for today's fishing. The fish were hitting the dry fly like crazy today and  were bigger than what I usually slip into the net. The wild browns were beautiful, so the fall season is working its magic with the trout's colors already.

I rigged up a classic Winston LT 8'3" 3wt rod that was built in 2003 and it got quite the workout on this meandering little Rio. The LT series of rods are a bit more firm than the IM6 rods, with the exception of this model. It is a deep flexing rod with a sensitive tip that fishes a lot like a bamboo rod. Yep, the browns were putting a good bend on it today and I had a blast. One of my best days up in the crater of the mountain.

Gear: Winston LT 8'3" 3wt rod; Bauer SST3 reel; Winston Energy WF3F line; #12 Black Caddis dry fly.

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