Winston BIIIx 8'6" 5wt Fly Rod

I bought this BIIIx 8'6" 5wt rod new about ten years ago and it's still my "go to" 5wt fly rod...a great all purpose rod that can do it all. When I first got it, I was still using indicator, light double nymph rigs and hopper/dropper rigs on a couple of the larger rivers here in New Mexico, and in southern Colorado (before I became dry fly only). I liked it from the first day I fished the rod because I could change the rig for whatever the hatch was doing at any time during the day. I only fish dry flies these days and use this rod for anything from #10 to #20 size flies. Hopper season is a blast with the rod.

Casting the BIIIx is so natural and easy that I don't even think about it when fishing...just look at the target and send the fly to it. Close-in casts and up to 50 feet is its comfort range and it can delicately cast a fly with tight loops. The boron butt section allows you to cast beyond 50ft, but I rarely need to do that. I love that it doesn't take much effort to cast the rod...the moderate action makes casting a "piece of cake" and mindless.

The only down side with the rod would be if an angler wanted to fish with heavy nymphs under an indicator...those heavy nymph rigs are a bit too much for the sensitive top two sections of the blank in my view.

No rod I fish today is better at handling a large trout with a tiny dry fly than this one. I lose very few fish on a tight line with my BIIIx...unlike some fast, firm rods I have fished in the past.

Yep, it makes for a relaxing day on the river...a keeper, for sure!

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