Solitude At A Higher Level

I headed for the mountain this week for some solitude and fly fishing. It was a tough week. And, I thought being up on a high mountain stream would help. It did some. Most of the time, I stood in the stream and prayed. My little brother had open heart surgery and that is always a tough recovery. So yeah, he was on my mind as I worked upstream, going ever higher up the mountain. Guess I thought the higher I went, the easier God could hear my prayers.

This particular place has one of my favorite trout streams. Actually there are a few streams here, counting all the little tributaries. I didn't catch a lot of trout, but netted a few. It didn't matter really. I was there more for...I don't know. A place of solitude and beauty where I could just think and work out my emotions of the week. The good news is, as I write this, brother is beginning to show improvement...still a long way to go, though.

Actually, this is the first time this year I have fished this stream. The stream flow, crystal clear water, and the beauty of this place is all an angler could ask for. As I worked my way upstream, I could see the stream will be fabulous when the fall season rolls around. Dang, this place is a beautiful landscape.

If my sleeping bag was in the truck, I would have just spent the night up on that mountain.

Gear: Winston TMF 8' 4wt fly rod; Hardy Perfect 3 1/8" reel; Rio LightLine WF4F line; #16 Royal Wulff and #12 Elk Hair Caddis.

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  1. My sincerest best wishes to your brother for a speedy successful recovery.

  2. Thank you! I told him once he's fully recovered, he and I are going on a special fly fishing trip of his choice. He said, "Montana"

  3. I hope your brother is continuing to recover every day, mike. More prayers here for more recovery.

  4. Thanks, Steve...we welcome those prayers! It's been a hard first week for Robert. Doc moved him to a rehab hospital yesterday for ongoing recovery. He's better, but has a long way to go...


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