Lunch on the Rio

My favorite stream side lunch is a PBJ when I'm fishing a small Rio somewhere in New Mexico. Yeah, peanut butter and plum jelly, both spread between two slices of wheat bread. Apple slices or trail mix are nice to have in the pack for those fishing breaks, to absorb the wonder of it all. The chaser after a tasty bite is usually a diet coke.

It is sometimes hard to stop fishing for lunch on days when the trout are active and hitting my dry fly. But when I don't eat a bite, I regret it. Taking a break mid-day to refuel before hitting the stream again for the afternoon is best. Because my fishing buddies and I usually scatter out among the stream and are out of site of each other, we set a time to meet back in a designated area for a lunch break. Yep, sitting by a stream for lunch is the best "going out to eat place" I can think of.

So, I'm off on an adventure this morning, and almost have everything in the truck...just one more bag to be stored in the back seat. And I'm gone. Visiting a new (to me) stream and looking forward to experience the energy and rhythm of the place.


  1. PB&J- breakfast and lunch of champions. I too, carry one with me on fish and hunt trips. Enjoy. Hope you found willing fish to share your meal.

    1. Thanks so much...yes, the arrival in camp started with a PBJ sandwich before hiking up the mountain for some exploration. And, there were trout. Just now got back home and a post will go up tonight or tomorrow morning.


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