Late Afternoon Hatch

Taking the kids camping and fishing last week was a full time job and didn't allow for Papa to get in any fishing. Heck, it was all I could do to keep the grandsons' lines rigged and untangled...and keep them fed. Oh my those boys can eat!

So, yesterday I decided to drive up in the late afternoon to get into some tight lines with wild trout. I had noticed at the campground's stream last week a regular hatch exploding each day around 5-6pm. Typically, I take a day trip up there to fish between 8am and 3pm. This has been a regular thing that my fishing buddies and I have done for many years.  However, I drove up yesterday in the late afternoon to catch that hatch I noticed while camping last week.

The afternoon started off hot as blazes, but soon cooled down as the rain clouds moved into the mountain. With overcast skies at the high altitude, it felt great hiking down the trails to my sweet sections of the stream. And, like last week, the bugs were everywhere and the trout were active. I noticed that in the last couple of hours of daylight, the larger trout came out to feed. Hmm, I might start a new routine for fishing up on Rainy Mountain.

Gear: Winston TMF 8' 4wt fly rod; Bauer SST4 fly reel; Rio LightLine WF4F line; #16 Royal Wulff dry fly (all day).

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