Winston Rod Catalog - 1993

The featured Winston catalog this month is from the year 1993. Tom Morgan sold the company to David Ondaatje in 1991 and stayed with the company in a consulting role for two years following the sale. The consulting role for Tom was ending around this time, so this catalog has some significance for me as a collector. Tom went on to start another rod company, the Tom Morgan Rodsmiths.

As for me personally, this year marked a promotion opportunity for me with Armstrong World Industries...and a resulting transfer to Lancaster, Pennsylvania. I lived in Lancaster until 1998 when I changed companies and accepted a Director role for Cox Communications, with yet another move. This time to New Orleans, Louisiana. So, I guess both Tom Morgan and I had some good job moves in the nineties.

The trout rods in this era are some of the most cherished models for fly fishers who appreciate the Winston design philosophy. 

Click on photo for larger view


  1. Thanks for sharing. Those of us of a certain age fondly remember receiving the catalogs of all the major rod manufacturers and fly
    fish oriented companies. We lament the loss of those annual sources of reading delight. We had and still have a lively discussion about the Orvis catalogs in NAFF over several months. As the song was written "those were the days my friend, we thought they would never end"..................

    1. Yes, indeed! I have learned much about the Winston Company from these catalogs. They share some rich information....especially in the early years. Seems like all we get here in the mailbox these days are fashion catalogs.


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