
I strive to be as mindful as possible when on a mountain stream fishing for trout. For some context, I'm retired after a long, stressful, career in human resources management, and the last thing I'm wanting to do is work hard or feel stressed on a trout stream. I have no desire, or motivation if you will, to compete with other anglers for the most fish or biggest fish. Catching trout is fun, but it's not in the top five reasons why I enjoy fishing. I fish to relax and absorb the beautiful surroundings I'm lucky enough to be experiencing...and I want to do that for as long as I physically can. Sometimes I'll just say to myself before stepping into a stream, "Mike, just a lazy day today, be in the moment."  When I achieve that frame of mind, the day becomes pure bliss...

Yes, I go to the mountains to enjoy the peacefulness of it all.

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