Watch Your Step...

My buddy Rich has been wanting to fish these quality waters for a long time, but the monsoons have kept us away...until today. And it did not let us down. Just a beautiful area at 9K altitude with big boulders and lots of foliage for bushwhacking. I do believe this is the hardest I've ever worked a stream to catch a fish. But it was well worth the experience.

I probably shouldn't be hopping big boulders at this stage of life, but there really was no choice if you wanted to reach a fishy pool. These pocket waters are fabulous and well, you do what you have to do for a tight line with a trout. Rich said it was about a ten degree grade as you climb up the mountain and into the the canyon while fishing this stream. I must admit, I was happy I had an emergency inhaler in my fish pack.

A good day. With a good friend. And, lucky to spend time in a beautiful place...

Gear: Winston Glass Retro 6'6" 3wt fly rod; Trutta Perfetta fly reel; Rio LightLine WF3F fly line; #14 Black Flying Ant dry fly.

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