Classic Fly Fishing

Small streams and dry flies...can it get any better? Well, yes, if you're fishing with classic fly gear. Getting into the outdoors for classical fly fishing is about as good as it gets for me. Whether I'm carrying bamboo, glass, or a graphite rod, it's a good day on Rainy Mountain.

We're now in the fall fishing season and it's looking good for the fly fishing sports. And, it won't be long before those brown trout start to feeling frisky. Their colors become rich with color and they tend to hit the dry fly very's like an explosion on the surface of the water when they hit.

I'm packing for an upcoming fishing trip tomorrow...Rich and I are going to a remote Rio that holds native Rio Grand Cutthroat trout. It's a tiny stream and will require a fair share of bushwhacking to work the stream. As a result, short rods will be the order of the day. I think, my Winston Glass Retro 6'6" 3wt rod is the rod that will be thrown into the duffle tonight. And, the 6' 3wt bamboo will be loaded as well.

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