Fly Fishing Industry - Shaky

I became interested in fiberglass fly rods about ten years ago when it was really becoming a hot item with the fly fishing sports. A couple of times during these past years, I thought the fan club was waining a bit and the movement may die off into the graphite vortex. But then, something happens in the world, such as graphite rod price hikes, and glass comes back strong with another wave of fandom. Same with bamboo too.

We anglers have been watching interesting movements in the fly fishing industry the last two years or so...acquisitions, graphite rod prices exceeding the $1000 barrier, and fly reels priced high enough to make one throw up a little in their mouth. I mean, try wrapping yourself with GoreTex and add up the total costs. The price of fly gear these days are making anglers rethink the idea of "keeping up with the Jones" by acquiring the latest and greatest gear as companies launch their new "so called innovations". Some like me are saying, "I'm satisfied with what I have and not adding anything new." While others are seeking out alternative tackle.

With the gouging (my opinion) of anglers hard earned cash, using pressures (advertising) to buy new gear, some anglers are starting to think about alternatives rather than blindly follow the fads propagated by the industry. 

From this market observer, it seems as though the small rod makers are finding more customers interested in their products...a result of the major companys' greed for profit margins. And, there are some fabulous glass and bamboo makers benefiting and meeting customer demands these days. Yes, these small shops are rolling graphite blanks too. Interesting. The industry shifting around in the market place is probably good for fly fishing as a whole...for the fly angler, I mean.

Also, the old marketing strategy of using "labels" to pressure sports in joining the "acceptable" class of angling elites is not working as before. People are beginning to reject labels in today's society...thus, the old marketing strategies are beginning to fail. I'm only saying this because I'm using my personal world as a basis for this opinion. And, there are a lot of people, like me, who love fly fishing as an outdoor sport.

The next two years are going to be interesting as we watch changes in the fly fishing industry....get used to a shaky ground. Maybe as a result, fly fishing sports will begin to focus more on the adventures of fly fishing (with their trusty old gear) to experience the most of being in the outdoors and life. Yeah, I know, one can only hope...


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