
There is something about getting on a mountain trail leading me to a favorite "trouty run" that is very enjoyable. I get to listen to the sounds of the forest as I plod along it and gaze at the trout stream that follows alongside the beaten path. It seems that most of the time, as I'm in route, my thoughts go back and forth between the moment and memories of life events. At some point, I consciously try to stay in the moment and focus on my surroundings...but, that is difficult to maintain. The moment, Mike! Focus on it! The sound of the stream. The birds chatting above me. The wind rustling the leaves. The beams of the sun streaking through the tree branches. The feeling of clean mountain air in my face. Invigorating!

This week, I travel back to my home state and close the sale of my childhood home. It bothers me more than anyone will know...the fact that I will never be able to go home again is a troubling feeling. The house affected me much like when I'm hiking down a mountain comforted me. Made me feel safe. Created a sense of child like joy.

While the childhood home will be gone from my life forever, I will still be able to trek the mountain paths...and in my mind, bounce back and forth between memories and current state.

Yeah, I'm going to need some time on that mountain, upon my return to New Mexico. Instead of taking a fly rod, I think I'll take my paints and capture a visual moment on watercolor paper. Life's colors....

And, I’ll be ready for fly fishing after some creative time to help with healing the heart….


  1. Sounds like you need the recoup time. I had the same feeling when we sold my mom's house I was raised in back in tenn. Can never go back.

    1. You're right, Steve...I'm working on how best to manage through it all.

  2. I’m lucky that my child home home has been owned by one of my sisters and her family for the last 20 years. About a 7-8 hour drive away, but when I’m up visiting family, can go to the house and see my old room and basement where I hung out all those years ago.

    Hope you do ok and enjoy your time in the mountains when you get back.

    1. Yeah, that’s nice your home is still in the family. I’ll be good once the national parks and streams open up…time on the streams will help much!


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