The New Sage R8 Fly Rod

The new Sage flagship fly rod (R8 Core) was launched today and there is a lot of talk about the significance of the new technology that Sage is claiming. At the moment, It's all talk and speculation between the Sage fans and it will take some time before the rod reviews start hitting the blogs and fly shop websites. Only time and experience on the waters will answer the questions whether or not this "so called" breakthrough technology is just marketing buzz or if it does have improved performance factors in any significant way. Whew, that's a word salad!!!

I stopped chasing the "latest and greatest" new model launches a few years ago...and, I'm not interested in paying over $1000 for a new fly rod. Sorry, I don't see the ROI with these over priced premium rods...and, certainly haven't seen any new high tech rods giving significant improvement of "fishing enjoyment" from those I use now. I'm just not chasing the marketing hype anymore. I like what I have:)

Some random photos of Sage rods I enjoy fishing. My very favorite Sage rod is the Little ONE 482 model...I don't think Sage can design a new rod that can beat this Little ONE. Not in my mind anyway. My next favorite Sages are the Sage ONE and X rod series. These are nice rods with excellent performance...enough for me on the rivers I enjoy fishing.

Click on photo for larger view

UPDATE: Well, it's April 8 and the fly shops have begun reviews by repeating the Sage marketing team's narrative on how impressive this new rod is...and, the anglers on the fly fishing forums are arguing the attributes of the rod's design. Since I can't afford the rod anyway...I'm turning my attention to other things more important to me. Things like fishing....


  1. I love sage fly rods. I wouldn't think twice about whether the R8 core is state of the art tech if it was the old sage company and not far banks/sage. Time will tell. The cost of the R8 core is unreal. Fortunately discounts are appearing with the discontinued sage X it's replacing. I scored a new X for half off. And also scored a sage foundation for a boat rod at the old 2019 price. I'll let you know more about them in just a few days.

    1. Sounds like some deals...can't wait to hear what models you picked up. I wonder how the rod companies will fare with these high, new rod, prices amongst a record high inflation economy. They are not only competing with other rod companies, but with high prices of food and other kinds of essentials too. Crazy times....


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