Spot Messenger

Several years ago, my wife gave me a Christmas present that I didn't actually think I needed. It was a SPOT Messenger. She was always worried about me climbing down into a canyon stream and getting hurt, without any way to call for help. So, she got me this GPS device...just in event I did get hurt and needed emergency help while fishing off the grid. The SPOT Messenger has an easy SOS button to punch for emergency help and rescue. And, it also has a message button I can press to send her a pre-written email that I'm OK and all is well. It was a perfect gift because she no longer worries about me when I'm out in the mountains for fishing.

You know, we seem to have hikers get lost each year here in New Mexico with some being found dead in the wilderness. If only they had a GPS device to call for help! They would be alive today...

Once skeptical about these devices, I'm now convinced they are critical for those who love the outdoors.  SPOT is credited with 8,216 rescues to does save lives. Mine stays on my sling pack and goes with me where ever I go camping and fishing.

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  1. I'm glad you turned me on to that satellite sos messenger. Judy likes it too. I may end up getting one with text.

    1. The text feature would be nice. I have the first generation device and it's still working fine. After this year, I may upgrade too...


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