Drawing to a Perfect Pair - Winston Boron IIt

When I leave the house to spend a day on home waters, I usually take a pair of fly rods...in event the stream conditions change or for when I move to another stream. And, when deciding which rods to pack for the day, I like to "draw" out a pair with similar personalities and action (mostly).

The Winston BIIt 9' 5wt and 8'6" 4wt fly rods are a perfect pair. When I'm packing for a fishing trip that will take me to medium and large rivers, these two are my first choice of rods. They compliment each other so well and have the versatility that's nice when moving to different waters throughout the week. 

Remember, I'm a dry fly guy and these rods are perfect for this type of fishing. Yes, they can handle a dry/dropper but I just rarely do that anymore. Can't go wrong with them because they can handle a wide variety of environments with ease. I'm thinking these two rods will be in truck for several fishing trips this year, up north, near the border. Below is a nice photo of them hanging on a stream-side cabin wall...in wait to take turns wading into the river with me.

Click on photo for larger view


  1. Nice 4 and 5 weight boron. Definitely a pair to take to the rivers. I still haven't been to those cabins or that area of that river. The last couple of years took care of that trip idea for me.

    1. I have no doubt you would love fishing those private waters...you should do it this year!


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