The Smallest Winston IM6

Through the years I was slowly acquiring select Winston models and had pretty much the one's I wanted, with exception of a particular IM6 trout rod that eluded me...until now. This model is the smallest trout rod in the IM6/WT series offerings by Winston. Yes, I'm referring to the 6'6" 2wt model. I gave away a fly rod for an even trade to get this special rod...always thought it would be ideal for some of my streams and was very curious how it would compare to my WT 7' 2wt rod that I enjoy so much.

Winston informed me this 2wt IM6 rod was built in 1996. And, based on the rod's serial number, it has the Loomis IM6 blank that Winston sourced for rods up to around the 43,000 serial numbers. That's why I wanted this older model...they are very desirable for Winston fans. The testimonies from Winston owners say Loomis IM6 blanks are a bit softer than the WT blanks that were rolled in-house in Twin Bridges, despite having the exact same tapers. And then they will add that there is not much difference between the two blanks. I'll be able to personally confirm (or not) that opinion of others as I have some time fishing it. Yep, this rod will be doing some bush whacking with me this year...

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  1. Excellent in so many ways. Thanks for letting me look.

    1. Yes sir...this rod is in my top three of favorites.


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