Fisknat Stream Net one sponsors or pays me to use their equipment. Although, as a retiree I have accumulated stuff through the years and when I see something that would be useful (or nice) for my fly fishing passion, well, I sell something (that is no longer useful to me) for the needed funds.

I acquired this net a couple of weeks ago because I was looking for a net that was light with a basket a little deeper than the small stream net I have been using. I also liked the idea of having a black basket so the trout's colors have a better contrast for photos. Sometimes I need to capture the proof in pictures of an actual fish catch during a fishing adventure once I return home. My routine is generally to shoot a pic of the first fish I catch, and then fish the rest of the day without taking pics of fish. Unless a bigger or prettier fish comes into the net, of course!

Actually, I shoot very few fish pics because that just isn't what this journal is about and besides, there are plenty of fishing sites full of fish porn and I don't feel compelled to add to that. I fish because it's an activity that I enjoy and it gets me into the beautiful wilderness areas that are an easy drive from my house...I call them my home waters.

Back to the net. The carbon fiber with the black net looks great and it is indeed light. And, the depth of the net is perfect for small streams which I fish probably 80% of the time. I have only had the opportunity to test it on one trip and I caught enough fish to know this net is a keeper. The downside? Well, when I'm fishing a stream with a bamboo rod I can't see myself using a high-tech carbon fiber landing net...the net will have to be wooden for the full classic experience that goes with fishing bamboo rods.

The owner at Fisknat is a really nice guy and if you're in need of a landing net, give them a look.


  1. Look like a great net. I noticed it right away and thought, hmm mike's got a new net.

    1. Yeah, I like my Solitude net for Jemez but on other streams where a fish can get over 12" that net is easy for them to jump out of it...the basket is shallow. So I picked this up to see how it does on small streams, where an occasional bigger trout can be caught.


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